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How to Clean uPVC Plastic Window

How to Clean uPVC Plastic Window

Dec 21, 2021

uPVC Plastic Windows require low maintenance that is easy to clean. But even they are low-maintenance, the dirt and dust may accumulate in the window, as a result, the window becomes dull and dingy, as time goes by. Thus, regular cleaning for the window is necessary to do. In this article, I will share some suggestions for cleaning your uPVC windows.

Do I Need a Professional to clean uPVC Window?

As above mentioned, the uPVC is low-maintenance. You totally do it on your own and don't have to hire a professional to clean your window to make your window shinny. Here is a step-by-step guide to clean the window.
upvc casement windows

Clean the Hinges & Window Panes

The hinges and the panes both are the trickiest parts of the cleaning job. The hinges are not easy to access, especially the hinges of upvc folding window. And the panes are easy to get scratch.

●To Clean the Hinges: First, you need to open the window as wide as possible. During the opening of casement upvc window, you also had better not damage the hinges.

Then, it’s showtime. Use the vacuum cleaner to remove the dust and debris attached to the hinge mechanism. A nozzle with a soft dusting brush would make the cleaning more perfect, which prevents scratches from the cleaning areas.

●To Clean to Window Panes:
The first secret to getting a shinny window is cleaning the window panes on a dry and cloudy day. It is because the hot sunlight could bake the traces of cleaning product onto the glass before you wipe it off.

It would be easy to show where you need to clean. Furthermore, a dry and cloudy day is necessary for cleaning the lamination upvc window.

Then you should remove the dust and cobwebs from the panes with the help of a dry brush or soft cloth. Gently wipe down the panes with a sponge that gets soaks in warm soapy water, until most parts of the dirt are gone.

In this step, do not use the scouring pads! The pads cause a scratch on the glass and plastic. If your window is upvc curved window, the scratch would significantly destroy the aesthetic of the window.

Once dry, you could spray a great mixed liquid. Then use the newspaper to scrub it. The mixed liquid would be introduced in the following sections.

Clean the uPVC Frame

Compared with other parts, the frame is relatively easy to clean. You could use a soft cloth that gets soaks in the warm soapy water to wipe the internal and external window frame surface. The warm water helps you remove the initial layer of dirt easily.
Then you need to wipe them with clean warm water to remove the residue of the soap. The mixed liquid also does a great job of cleaning the uPVC frame.

Remove the Paint from UPVC Window Frame

Sometimes, the uPVC accidentally gets the paint, during the decoration process. To clean the paint, you could apply a decent amount of a uPVC solvent frame cleaner and let the paint soften.

After that, you need to scrub the painted surface with a non-abrasive scouring pad. If it doesn’t work, you could try to use the steam cleaner or magic erasers.

Clean the Window with Special Mixed UPVC Cleaner

The mixed liquid consists of one cup of vinegar, 4 cups of warm water. This mixed liquid can be used in the cleaning of windows. It is a versatile and practical tip for housekeeping.


To clean your uPVC plastic window can be divided into three parts: hinges, pane, frames. Although the cleaning job of plastic windows is easy, we still need to pay attention to the cleaners, the suggestion from China upvc doors and windows suppliers.